The “Journal of AgriSearch” is published quarterly.
The following types of material will be considered for publication in the Journal: Research article, Review article, Strategic and Policy Paper, Short Notes and Book Review.
Author should check that articles has all the following sections and appear in that order of:
Title, Name(s) of author(s), Complete postal address (es) of affiliations (place where work was conducted), Present address(es) of author (s) if applicable, Complete correspondence address including e-mail address to which the proofs should be sent (these are given as footnote on first page).
Abstract (150 words), Keywords (indexing terms), not more than five.Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (if applicable), References, Tables, Figure captions, Figures (separate files).
Titles and subtitles should not be run within the text. They should be typed on a separate line, without indentation. Use lower-case letter type. Papers on original research completed, not exceeding 4000 words (approximately 10-12 typed pages), should be exclusive for the journal. They should present a connected picture of the investigation and should not be split into parts. Short research notes not more than 1,600 words (about 4-5 typed pages), which deals with (a) research results which are complete but do not warrant comprehensive treatment, and (b) descriptions of new material or improved techniques, with supporting data. Such notes require no headed sections. Summary (not more than 80-100 words) is to be provided at the end of the text. Critical research review pointing out lacunae in research and suggesting possible lines of future work. Original strategy framing out basic and applied planning, scheme, policy, tactics in study and indication of futuristic probable shape of work.
Contributors are requested to ensure that the research papers or notes submitted for publications have a direct bearing on agricultural production or open up new grounds for productive research. Basic types of papers and notes which relate to investigations in a narrow specialized branch of a discipline may not form an appropriate material for this journal.
The Editorial Board reserves the privilege of returning to the author for revision accepted manuscripts and illustrations which are not in the proper form given in this guide.
Citation of References
A recent issue of the journal should be consulted for the methods of citation of References in the text as well as at the end of the article. Reference citations in the text are typed as follows: Singh (1991) or (Singh 1991); Singh et al. (1994) or (Singh et al. 1994); Singh and Sharma (1997) or (Singh and Sharma 1997). Groups of references cited in a sentence in the text must be listed in chronological order as in the previous sentence. References lists should be typed in alphabetical order. The reference list should be first sorted alphabetically by author(s) and secondly chronologically.
For journal articles
Author(s), Year. Title. Journal title (full name and in italics) Volume number (bold): Page-page.<to be ended by period>
Panda D, Sharma SG and Sarkar RK.2007. Chlorophyll fluorescence transient analysis and its association with submergence tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 77(3):344-8.
For whole books
Author(s), Year. Title . Number of pages, Edition, if any,(Ed.). Publisher, address.
Lombard PB and Waetwood MN.1987. Rootstocks of Fruit crops, pp145-83. Room C R and Carlson R F(Eds). A Wiley-Intescience Publication, New York.
For chapters from books
Author(s), Year. Title. book title, Page-page. editors (editors), Publisher, address.
Lombard PB and Waetwood MN.1987. Pear Rootstocks. Rootstocks of Fruitcrops, pp145-83. Room CR and Carlson RF(Eds). A Wiley-Intescience Publication, New York.
For Symposium
Devegowda G, Raju MVLN, Afzali N and Swamy HVLN. 1998. Mycotoxin picture worldwide: Novel solutions for their counteraction. Proceedings of 14th Alltech’s Annual Symposium on Biotechnology in the Feed Industry. pp 241-55. 5 May 1997. Bagalore.
Papers should be uploded at as MS Word file (including references and tables). Article (including illustrations) should be sent after a careful check up of typographical errors
All the authors should mentioned his/her present address with cell phone no, email for prompt and effective communication. Further, acceptance of manuscript for publication in the ” Journal of AgriSearch” shall automatically mean transfer of copyright to the society and to the journal. Editorial board has every right to format the manuscript as per journal prerequisite/outline. Statement, opinion, facts expressed in the article(s) published in the journal, entirely belongs to the authors/contributors, editorial board bears no responsibility for any consequences arises upon.
Manuscript(s) for publication should be prepared according to the style and format of the journal as mentioned under the head “Guidelines for Authors”. Authors are encouraged to submit online on the journal website “”. Authors are also requested to send certificate of originality of article and no objections duly signed by all the authors/contributors of the said article. Statements, opinions, facts expressed in the article(s) published in the journal, entirely belong to the authors/contributors, and editorial Board has no responsibility for them. Life members may be nominated as Editorial Board members.
All the authors must be annual/life members of the journal at the time of submission of articles. For detailed about membership etc, please refer “SUBSCRIPTION RATES” under section “About Journal”. To become members of the “Journal of AgriSearch” one may registers online ( and requisite membership fee may be transferred online to Society’s (i.e. Society for Upliftment of Rural Economy) State Bank of India Current Account 34184666502, IFSC- SBIN0009006, Bihar Veterinary College Complex Branch, Patna. In this regard one may contact President (SURE) at president