Trend and seasonal analysis of annual one day maximum rainfall

Analysis of maximum annual one day rainfall


  • PA PANDYA Junagadh Agricultural University
  • DK DWIVEDI Shri Shri University, Bhuvneshwar
  • BIMAL PRACHI Junagadh Agricultural University
  • SHIMVAM AHIRWAR Junagadh Agricultural University
  • NAITA KUMARI Junagadh Agricultural University



Trend analysis, Mann-Kendall’s test, Rainfall, Sen’s slope, Seasonality


Saurashtra region is characterized by high temporal and spatial rainfall fluctuations. The daily maximum rainfall has a direct impact on the agricultural yield. It is thereby necessary to comprehend the trend changes in the annual daily maximum rainfall (ADMR). The daily rainfall data of 40 years (1981 to 2020), for 11 stations in Saurashtra was utilized for trend analysis of ADMR using Mann Kendall’s method and Sen’s slope method. It was revealed from the Mann-Kendall test that significant positive trends were exhibited at Dwarka and Surendranagar. Further, Sen’s slope and linear regression indicated that the ADMR at Rajkot and Surendranagar were having highest increasing trend. Trend analysis of ADMR contribution to annual rainfall showed negative trend indicating better temporal distribution of rainfall. It was also revealed that the extreme events of rainfall usually occurred uniformly on certain days of the year from the results of directional statistics. 



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