Impact of Front Line Demonstration on the Yield and Economics of Chickpea (Cicer arietinumL.) in Sidhi District of Madhya Pradesh


  • DHANANJAI SINGH Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sidhi (M.P.)-486661
  • A K PATEL KVK, Rewa (M.P.
  • M S BAGHEL Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sidhi (M.P.)-486661
  • S K SINGH KVK, Ghazipur (U.P.)
  • ALKA SINGH KVK, Chhatarpur (M.P.)
  • A K SINGH Directorate of Extension services, JNKVV, Jabalpur (MP)


In front line demonstration on chickpea, highest grain yield (15.32 q/ha) was recorded in variety JG-226. It was 92.7 per cent higher yield over the farmers practice (7.95 q/ha). An average yield of 13.11 q/ha was recorded in on-farm testing and front line demonstration and in farmers practice it was just 8.05 q/ha. Thus, the average technology gap, extension gap and technology index of 16.89 q/ha, 5.05 q/ha and 56.30 per cent respectively were obtained between demonstrated and farmers practice. The average yield of chick pea increased 62.42 per cent over farmers practice, while the year wise variation in yield increase was 49.8 to 92.7 per cent.

Author Biography

DHANANJAI SINGH, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sidhi (M.P.)-486661

Subject Matter Specilist (Agronomy)


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