How to use crop growth model WOFOST for forecasting growth and yield of a crop
WOFOST version 7.1.3 is a computer model that simulates the growth and production of annual field crops. All the run options are operational through a graphical user interface named WOFOST Control Center version 1.8 (WCC). WCC facilitates selecting the production level, and input data sets on crop, soil, weather, crop calendar, hydrological field conditions, soil fertility parameters and the output options. The files with crop, soil and weather data are explained, as well as the run files and the output files. A general overview is given of the development and the applications of the model. Its underlying concepts are discussed briefly.References
Driessen, P.M., 1986. The collection and treatment of basic data. Introduction. In: Van Keulen and Wolf, 1986. 203-207.
Passioura, J.B., 1996. Simulation Models: Science, Snake oil, Education, or Engineering? Agronomy Journal. 88:690-694.