Efficiency of Optimum Plot Size using Information of Previous Experiments Conducted in Split Plot Design


  • RAMESH C BHARATI ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region Patna
  • ANIL KUMAR SINGH ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region Patna
  • ABHAY KUMAR ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region Patna
  • UJJWAL KUMAR ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region Patna
  • NARESH CHANDRA ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region Patna


The optimum plot size is required at the time of experiment lay out to obtain the accuracy and
reliability of the experimental result. In absence of uniformity trail, an alternative procedure is
described to get the idea of optimum plot size. The process involves for determining the accurate
estimate of soil heterogeneity coefficient followed by optimum plot size through the past
experimental data of split plot design and the expression for the determination of soil
heterogeneity has been derived and illustrated through several artificial and real data. The result
indicated the considerable gain in efficiency to the tune of 19 and 22 per cent in some cases. This
procedure leads to the saving of plot size from 20 per cent to 75 per cent.

Author Biography

RAMESH C BHARATI, ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region Patna

Prof.(Dr.) R.C. Bharati

Principal Scientist (Agricultural Statistics)

Division of Socio-economic & Extension

ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna


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