Development of Liquid Fertilizer Applicator

Liquid Fertilizer Applicator


  • PREM K SUNDARAM1 Division of Land & Water Management, ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 800014, India
  • INDRA MANI Division of Agricultural Engineering, ICAR–Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012, India


applicator, tractor, liquid fertilizer, calibration, prototype



A liquid fertilizer applicator was developed which could place liquid fertilizer inside soil simultaneously with seed.The metering system was calibrated for nitrogen basal dose application. There was approximately 30-33 % increase in flow rate with an increase in pressure from 0 to 1 kg-cm-2 whereas there was only 6-10 % increase in flow rates when pressure changed from 1 to 2 kg-cm-2. A shovel type furrow opener was modified to conduit the fertilizer into the soil. Modified shovel furrow openers were able to place liquid fertilizer inside the soil at a depth of 3-4 cm below the wheat seed. The average field capacity of 0.23 hah-1 was obtained for continuous operation of the applicator at an average speed of 1.78 kmh-1. A field efficiency of 72 % was observed which was in the permissible range of 60-80 % for seed drill.

Author Biographies

PREM K SUNDARAM1, Division of Land & Water Management, ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 800014, India

Division of Land & Water Management, ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 800014, India

INDRA MANI, Division of Agricultural Engineering, ICAR–Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012, India

Division of Agricultural Engineering, ICAR–Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012, India


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