Evaluation of training with reference to socio personal attributes affecting knowledge and skills of cocoa farmers of North East region
Upscaling of cocoa farmer's knowledge and skills
Cocoa, Training, farmers, evaluationAbstract
Knowledge, skill and attitudes are the most important factors affecting socio personal attributes of human resources. ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Research Centre, Kahikuchi, organizes training to
develop more skilled workforce. Training of two batches of 50 farmers each on cocoa cultivation and processing technology was conducted for three consecutive days both during 2016 and 2017. The study was done mainly to create awareness and disseminate the new technologies on cocoa and to study their feedback concerning cocoa cultivation and processing technique. Socio personal attributes of the farmers, pre and post evaluation and perception of the trainees are studied to understand the level of change in their knowledge and skill after undergoing training. Majority of the respondent was found to possess positive impact in the development of
knowledge and skill on scientific method of cocoa cultivation and processing technique. The study also showed that education qualification and mass media exposure were found to help enhance knowledge and skill of
the trainees.
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