Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and quality of Garlic cv. Yamuna Safed-3
Effect of INM on garlic yield and quality
Garlic, INM, Yield, Quality and Yamuna Safed-3Abstract
An experiment was conducted at Horticultural Research Centre, SVP University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut (UP) during Rabi season of 2018-19 to assess the impact of different INM doses in relation to yield and quality parameters in garlic. Total ten treatments which included different combinations of inorganic fertilizers, organic fertilizers and bio-fertilizers like T1 - (Control), T2 RDF (100:50:50 kg NPK ha-1), T3-RDF + 20 kg sulphur + FYM 20 ton ha-1, T4 - RDF + 20 kg sulphur + VC 4 ton ha-1, T5- 75% RDF + 40 kg sulphur + 5 ton FYM ha-1+ PSB 5 kg ha-1, T6 -75% RDF + 40 kg sulphur + 2 ton VC + Azotobacter 5 kg ha-1, T7 - 75% RDF + 40 kg sulphur + FYM 3 ton + VC 1 ton + PSB 5 kg + Azotobacter 5 kg ha-1, T8 - 50% RDF + 40 kg sulphur + FYM 5 ton + VC 2 ton + PSB 5 kg ha-1, T9 - 50% RDF + 40 kg sulphur + FYM 5 ton + VC 2 ton + Azotobacter 5 kg ha-1and T10 - 50% RDF + 40 kg sulphur + FYM 5 ton + VC 2 ton + PSB 5 kg + Azotobacter 5 kg ha-1 were used in Randomized Block Design and replicated thrice. Out of these an application of T7 (75% RDF + 40 kg sulphur + FYM 3 ton + VC 1 ton ha-1 + PSB 5 kg + Azotobacter 5 kg ha-1) was found to be significantly superior in term of yield and attributing parameters of garlic.
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